Daniel StanleyThe hidden power in the stories Big Tech sells usSo ubiquitous have the Big Tech platforms now become in our lives that most of us now experience them in at least two distinct ways…May 27, 20211May 27, 20211
Alastair ParvinDemocracy as a Platform: Learning from TaiwanYesterday, Jeremy Till (who I’m proud to say was at one point my university tutor) shared with me a link to this extraordinary interview…Jun 12, 2020Jun 12, 2020
Alastair ParvinHow can we make street votes work?Two ideas for how communities could give themselves permission to develop.May 15, 2022May 15, 2022
InSwitch On LeadershipbyNick Jankel: Speaker, Author, Leadership DeveloperRegenerative Tech: Slow Down & Mend Things10 design lenses for building regenerative technologies that repair our fragmented world—and why we need ‘embodied wisdom’ to wield them…Apr 7, 20211Apr 7, 20211
Rachel ColdicuttThe Case for Community Tech: Report launch and fund newsCommunity tech — technology that gives power and generates benefit for communities — is a vital part of the modern technology ecosystem.Sep 14, 2022Sep 14, 2022
James PlunkettSocial justice in a digital ageAnnouncing a new project and a chance to relearn policymakingJun 16, 2022Jun 16, 2022
James PlunkettA (functioning) digital societySociety doesn’t work like it used to. But what if, just maybe, it’s better?Jun 12, 20221Jun 12, 20221
James PlunkettSocial justice in a digital age: Essay 1It’s time to update our governing arrangements, so where do we start?Sep 21, 20224Sep 21, 20224